MICS – Master of Intercultural Communication Studies is a Master of Arts, double-diploma from Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (www.europa-uni.de) and Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (www.amu.edu.pl)


To live we have to communicate. The better we communicate, the better the results of our efforts, interactions and cooperation will be. Because our contemporary world is more and more intercultural, we believe that to be able to participate and engage in activities of different kinds – social, artistic, economic or political – one needs to have cultural and intercultural intelligence. We created Intercultural Communication programme to help our students:


DISCOVER that culture matters in all aspects of our life and why it is necessary to engage intercultural perspective in contemporary life and work.


UNDERSTAND how culture works and how we can use it to get the most of our efforts and interactions.


DEVELOP cultural and intercultural intelligence which is necessary in contemporary workplace, public and private life.


Study program: courses in intercultural communication theory and methods, intercultural management, linguistic studies and intercultural issues, ethnic identity and gender studies, seminars in the culture and history of CEEuropean societies, improving language competence, intercultural trainings, practice in the field of intercultural communication.


Form of study: lectures, seminars, language classes, practice


Degree: Magister (Master of Arts) in Cultural Studies – Intercultural Communication issued by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Cultural Studies and Master of Arts – Intercultural Communication Studies issued by European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) – Faculty of Cultural Sciences


Knowledge and skills:

– intercultural interaction in the border region

– intercultural interaction of East and West regions of Europe

– migration, ethnicity, culture and history of Eastern European societies,

– interdisciplinary gender studies,

– intercultural management

– theories, methods, empirical data to resolve practical problems within intercultural communication field

– language skills, as used in the context of intercultural applications


Future career paths:

– international organizations and institutions

– international corporations (i.e. human resources departments)

– EU administration

– consulting agencies

– international media

– cultural diplomacy

– education institutions, coaching and training centers

– international mediation and advocacy organizations

– research centers


How much does it cost?

There are no tuition fees.


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